Ready to discover your superpower, step into your purpose, and build the business & life of your dreams?

Hey there! I’m Katharine!

After 10 years of working in college football, I decided that I was meant for more. I had a desire for more. I was not sure what that was, but I did not let that keep me stuck. I left my safety net, salary, the only life and job I knew. With no plan in place. No spouse, no backup. Just a desire. After years of figuring it out on my own, giving up, and trying again, I now have a multi-six-figure business that truly has my soul on fire! I have helped dozens of health and fitness coaches grow multi-six-figure and 7-figure businesses through my 4-step framework. As a certified mindset & success coach, it is now my mission to help other women listen to those desires, find their superpowers, step into their purpose, and build the life and business of their dreams. I am SO happy you are here and can’t wait to connect soon.

I help you RISE to the next level in your life & business through my 4-step framework.


We start by looking at your current life or business.


Next is identifying what is working well, where there are gaps, and what changes you want made.


Based on what we discover in steps 1 & 2, we then put together a plan of action.


Now it is time to put the plan into action and get you to the life and business of your dreams!

Ways to Work With Me

RISE Business Accelerator

The RISE Business Accelerator is a 6-month program to help you discover your superpower, identify & create your signature offer, take your business online, or grow your existing business.

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching with me to help you discover your superpower, step into your purpose, and build the life and business of your dreams. Through mindset work and business strategy, we will get you to your deepest desires!

It’s time to RISE to 2.0 you.